Curriculum Vitae

Professional Experience

since 01/2008 Head of the research group "Verification meets Algorithm Engineering" at the University of Karlsruhe, Germany
09/2006-12/2007 Senior research assistant at the Symbolic Computation Group of the Wilhelm-Schickard-Insitute (WSI) for computer science at the University of Tübingen, Germany
06/2005-08/2006 Post-Doc at the Institute for Formal Models and Verification (Prof. A. Biere), Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria
06/2004-05/2005 Research assistant at the Symbolic Computation Group (Prof. W. Küchlin) of the Wilhelm-Schickard-Insitute (WSI) for computer science at the University of Tübingen, Germany
09-10/2004 Lecturer at the Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden
08-09/2004 Visiting scientist at the Formal Methods Group of the NIA/NASA Langley Research Center (LaRC) in Hampton, VA, USA
10/2003-05/2004 Project manager at the Steinbeis Technology Transfer Center for Object- and Internet Technologies (OIT) at the University of Tübingen
09/1999-09/2003 PhD student and research assistant at the WSI, University of Tübingen
08/1998-08/1999 Leading programmer at the Steinbeis Technology Transfer Center OIT
10/1991-07/1998 Studies of computer science and physics at the University of Tübingen
06/1990-08/1991 Civil service at the Zollernalb hospital for orthopedics and surgery, Albstadt


2003 PhD (Dr. rer. nat.) in Computer Science from the University of Tübingen, Germany
1998 Master (Diplom) in Computer Science (with a minor in Physics) from the University of Tübingen, Germany
1990 High school diploma (Abitur) from the Gymnasium Ebingen


2004 Förderpreis der Metall- und Elektroindustrie Baden-Württembergs (Südwestmetallpreis 2004)

Personal Interests